The Canadian Centennial Choir, an amateur community concert choir of approximately 70 voices, was founded in 1967 to celebrate the centenary of Canadian Confederation. The Choir performs secular and sacred music with a particular focus on new and commissioned works composed or arranged by Canadians.
Our annual concert series attracts a large and varied audience, and features guest artists from the local community who share our commitment to musical excellence. Under the dynamic leadership of its Music Director, Marg Stubington, the Choir is pleased to present its 56th season.

Tickets may be purchased for individual concerts, but a season subscription will save you up to 25% off single-ticket prices.
The choir relies on its fundraising efforts to help support the activities of the choir. The bulk of the fundraising occurs during two annual activities: sales of coffee and sales of frozen berries.

Our "Friends of the Choir" program gratefully accepts both financial donations and "in kind" donations. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations. Click below for details.
Privacy Notice
Please note that the Canadian Centennial Choir (CCC), a non-profit charitable organization, gathers personal information from its members, donors, subscribers, customers, mail list participants and others for ease of communication and transactional purposes. This information is not shared with any other organizations. It is protected while in use by CCC and properly disposed of at the end of its retention period. Should you have any questions or concerns, please address these to the CCC President at: