Carols and Lullabies

This season’s Christmas concert will have a Latin flavour. Carols and Lullabies will feature Conrad Susa’s Christmas in the Southwest for chorus, harp, guitar and marimba, as well as other works with percussion accompaniment, and some Christmas carols and songs with a Latin beat. The audience will be dancing as they head out for their holiday preparations!

Note: This program will be performed a second time in Vankleek Hill, ON, on Sunday, December 16 as an outreach activity for the 2018–19 season

Other Ways to Buy Tickets

  • From any member of the choir
  • At The Leading Note (Elgin at Frank)
  • At the door (subject to availability)

Ticket prices

In advance At the door
(subject to availability)
Adult $22 $25
Senior/Student $18 $22


Free admission for children under 12 accompanied by an adult.

Event Details

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Centretown United Church
507 Bank St, Ottawa (view map)