About the Canadian Centennial Choir

The Canadian Centennial Choir is an amateur group of approximately 65-70 voices. It was originally established to celebrate in song the centenary of the Confederation of Canada in 1967. Through the efforts of dedicated founding members, the Choir was constituted in its present form in 1968 as a non-profit, charitable organization under the Canadian Corporations Act.

This non-profit community choir is governed by a constitution and directed by an elected board. The choir's annual general meeting is held at the end of each concert season in June at which time a new board is elected. It is not necessary to be a singing member of the choir in order to serve on the board.

The Choir's Music Director and Accompanist are the only paid positions. All other activities are done by volunteers from inside and outside the Choir. In any given year, approximately one third of the entire membership of the choir is assisting the choir's operations in some volunteer capacity. If you'd like to support our performances by contributing time as a volunteer, please contact our membership coordinator at membership(at)ccc-ccc.ca

The choir's operating budget comes primarily from membership fees, fundraising activities, program advertising, grants, and subscriptions and ticket sales.

Click here to hear CCC sing in 2012.